The famous phrase that states that “fear is the main enemy of progress” is partly true, although I believe that the main enemy is actually the lack of knowledge. In the DOOH sector, the reluctance towards the incorporation of certain technologies due to fear or ignorance has been a brake on progress for years. Fortunately, this has changed markedly in recent times, although in the process media owners have lost some influence over their inventory.
The adoption of programmatic has given media owners access to new budgets, but has also exposed business teams to new “threats,” according to Ari Buchelter, CEO of Place Exchange. One of these threats resides in the fact that Programmatic’s operating platforms for DOOH are a hybrid of SSP (Suply Side Platform) and DSP (Demand Side Platform) this does not allow media owners to access all the profits generated by programmatic (
Going through the programmatic flow and focusing on the Publisher side, it is imperative to have an independent CMS that can be integrated with the largest number of programmatic providers. This not only provides security in the authorization and exhibition process, but also prevents the possible cannibalization of clients that media owners are exposed to by operating with hybrid CMS-SSP-DSP platforms.
It is important for media owners to monitor certain alerts in order to handle this situation.
These alerts include:
- The clients who are consulting for programmatic purchase are the same agencies that buy in a traditional way.
- There were advertisers who used to buy traditionally and are now entering through an automated platform.
- They are not getting queries coming from 100% programmatic DSPs like DV360, Yahoo, etc.
The solution to this possible problem is to have an independent and 100% integrable CMS, and to demand full transparency on the transactions carried out through the inventory itself.
In addition, having adequate content management software will allow you to know the exact exhibition metrics to minimize the loss of revenue.
In conclusion, the lack of knowledge and reluctance to adopt new technologies has been an obstacle to progress in the DOOH sector. It is important that media owners monitor certain alerts and adopt solutions as an independent CMS in addition to demanding full transparency from all their technology providers of this type to ensure that they do not leave poisons by the wayside.